Brilot Press


Troubador Publishing Rolls Out its New Website Troubador Publishing, one of the major publishing service providers for indie authors, has significantly redesigned its website with some impressive improvements. From the Press release: The redesigned Troubador Publishing Ltd website brings together all the imprints associated with Troubador ...
Press Release Matador, one of the UK’s most widely recommended self-publishing service providers, is delighted to announce that they now offer a complete audiobook creation, publishing anddistribution service for self-publishing authors. With an emphasis on top quality production values at a realistic and affordable cost, all the ...
Amazon Confirms that CreateSpace and KDP Print will Merge into a Single Platform Not in the least bit unexpected, Amazon has informed authors that its CreateSpace platform is set to merge with KDP Print soon. This has been on the horizon for more than 18 months since ...
Literary Hub Launches a New Book Review Aggregator Site BOOK MARKS Site Aims to be the Rotten Tomatoes for Books Literary Hub has launched a new section of their site -- Book Marks -- to showcase book reviews from the most important and active outlets of literary ...